Promaid’s job

Promaid offers home services such as help with daily living, housekeeping and childcare.

« We are committed to offering individualised services to our customers and beneficiaries, with the aim of fully satisfying them. Our services are aimed at a wide range of people, with an emphasis on dependent persons. »

Promaid’s challenge

Promaid’s initial challenge was to set up ‘inspection’ visits, i.e. unannounced visits by the care worker to the client’s home.

Promaid also wanted to carry out an annual assessment of its dependent customers in order to reassess their needs and adapt its services accordingly. Of course, the company was also keen to survey customer satisfaction.

Before using Qualimobi, Promaid’s teams managed tasks using their old business software or tables and documents created in-house.

This presented a major difficulty: the data could only be entered in the branch, which made the calculation and use of the results very time-consuming, as they were carried out in-house.



In the Occitanie region are all Qualimobi


Widespread use of Qualimobi

Promaid implements the solution in all its branches

« Qualimobi not only works on quality and customer satisfaction, but also on the managerial side, both for teams in the field and for management… »

Marie-Julie DEBOIS

Project Manager

Quality, Training and Prevention Manager


Setting up Qualimobi

Qualimobi has been in place in all branches since January 2023.

The implementation allows :

  • Positive feedback from their teams, who say it’s fun and practical to use

  • The percentage of satisfaction, calculated automatically. This provides concrete and immediately understandable results

  • Intuitive navigation and data collection.

The tablet application directly connected to Progisap

As soon as an entry is made in Qualimobi, the data is automatically transferred to Progisap. This gives the quality department and operations managers more precise monitoring of the activity and satisfaction of their branches.

The application is easier to read and quicker to enter.

Evolution of our services

Thanks to inspection grids that can be adapted to meet the needs and wishes of the company. The calculation of the percentage of satisfaction is automated, offering a concrete and immediately comprehensible result in real time.

qualité grille digitale

Quality indicators in place

Qualimobi lets you carry out inspections and reviews directly from the interface.

Interact in real time with the parties involved when filling in the grid, analyse the automatic result at the end and simplify the process by avoiding double entry.

The benefits of Qualimobi

Qualimobi’s tablet compatibility means that visits, re-examinations and inspection visits can be carried out directly on the interface. The ability to use it from anywhere, whether in a branch or at the customer’s home.

On the Qualimobi application

  • The possibility of commenting on the completion of the grid directly with the people concerned, whether customers or service providers.

  • The option of commenting on the result, which is calculated automatically at the end of the inspection grid

  • Save time by avoiding double entry

  • Tablet compatibility adapted to homecare professions

  • Grids that can be modified according to the needs and wishes of each company

  • The fun aspect makes it easier to interest and unite teams

Results recorded directly on Progisap :

  • The possibility of tracing events by customer and by employee, giving a global overview

  • Identify areas for improvement to improve quality control

Exploiting the results: an asset

By reporting the results, you can get to grips with the business more quickly and get a clearer picture of its quality.


« We haven’t yet exploited all of Qualimobi’s functionalities and plan to do so. This will enable us to bring even more expertise and professionalism to our day-to-day assignments. »

Anne-Lise BLAVY

Quality, Projects and Training Coordinator

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