Quality control application for residential, hotels, retail and supermarkets

Quality control for residences, hotels, retail outlets and supermarkets

Qalimobi is a tablet-based quality control solution that enables companies to collect, analyse and share data on the quality of their products and services. The solution is easy to use and customise, and can be tailored to the specific needs of each company.

Quality control is of crucial importance in the residential, hotel, retail and supermarket sectors for a number of reasons:

Application de suivi qualité dans les Résidences Hôtels Retail GMS

Qualimobi, the digital quality control application for residences, hotels, retail outlets and supermarkets

There are several ways of carrying out quality surveys. These methods make it possible to gather feedback from customers, employees and other stakeholders in order to assess the quality of the services provided.

Using the Qualimobi tablet application for quality control offers many advantages for residences, hotels, retail outlets and supermarkets.

Qualimobi makes it possible to:

Customised questionnaires

Qualimobi makes it possible to create customised questionnaires tailored to the specific needs of these sectors. Companies can design bespoke questionnaires to gather feedback from customers, residents or users on different aspects of their services.

Real-time monitoring

Qualimobi enables quality surveys to be carried out in real time. This makes it possible to collect feedback from customers or residents at the moment they have had an experience or a service. This guarantees fresher, more accurate feedback.

Feedback on tablet

Qualimobi runs on a tablet, enabling teams on the ground, such as hotel agents, shop assistants or residence teams, to collect feedback directly from customers and residents via the application.

Application contrôle qualité entreprise de nettoyage propreté

Problem and task management

The application facilitates the management of corrective actions in the event of non-conformities or deviations identified during quality checks. Managers can assign improvement tasks to specific team members and monitor their implementation until they are resolved.

Data analysis

Qualimobi offers analysis and reporting tools. To enable data collected during quality surveys to be compiled and analysed. These analyses help to identify trends, recurring problems and opportunities for improvement. The Qualimobi tablet application compiles the data collected during quality checks and generates detailed reports. These reports provide an overall view of the company’s performance. To highlight areas requiring improvement.

Cutting red tape

Using a digital application eliminates the need for paper documentation for quality controls. To save time, reduce costs and contribute to a more environmentally-friendly approach.

Improving communication

Qualimobi enables fluid communication between team members, managers and customers. This facilitates the transmission of important information and ensures better coordination.

Responsiveness and decision-making

Thanks to real-time data and analysis reports, these sectors can make informed and responsive decisions to improve their services and overall performance.

Security and confidentiality

The Qualimobi application ensures data security and respects the confidentiality of information collected during quality controls, in compliance with current regulations.

Ease of use

The intuitive interface of the Qualimobi tablet application makes it easy to use, even for those with little computer experience.

Qualimobi simplifies and optimises the quality control process for residences, hotels, retail outlets and supermarkets. It improves operational efficiency, responsiveness, service quality and customer satisfaction. It offers a powerful tool for guaranteeing compliance, monitoring performance and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within these businesses.

The advantages of the different types of Qualimobi quality control for Residences, Hotels, Retail and GMS.


Risk assessment

Risk assessment with Qualimobi for residences, hotels, retail and supermarket distribution offers many advantages.

It prevents accidents, improves safety, reduces costs and ensures regulatory compliance. By protecting companies’ reputations and enabling effective contingency planning, the assessment promotes continuous improvement in safety and enhances the confidence of customers and residents.

Needs assessment

Assessing needs with Qualimobi in the residential, hotel, retail and supermarket distribution sectors offers a number of advantages.

With the application, companies can quickly identify the specific needs of customers, residents or users. This makes it possible to personalise services and respond in a targeted way to their expectations. Analysis of the data collected facilitates decision-making to improve the customer experience, optimise operations and boost overall stakeholder satisfaction.

Visit report

Qualimobi visit reporting offers significant advantages for these sectors.

Thanks to this functionality, teams in the field can quickly capture relevant information, observations and actions taken during visits. This enables real-time communication with internal teams, facilitates the follow-up of identified problems and guarantees rapid resolution of incidents.

In this way, Qualimobi visit reports contribute to better coordination, continuous improvement in service quality and informed decision-making to boost customer satisfaction and optimise operational processes.

Complaints and anomalies

With Qualimobi, the Residences, Hotels, Retail and GMS Distribution sectors benefit from complaints and anomalies management.

This enables companies to receive, track and quickly resolve customer complaints and reported anomalies.

By responding proactively to feedback, companies improve customer satisfaction and enhance their reputation. In addition, the traceability of complaints provides invaluable visibility for identifying areas for improvement and optimising processes. And, of course, to guarantee a level of quality in these competitive sectors.

Inspection grid

The inspection grid in Qualimobi offers many advantages for these sectors.

This feature enables teams in the field to carry out structured inspections based on predefined criteria. By using this grid, quality checks become more consistent and complete. Data is entered directly onto the tablet in a standardised way, making it easier to analyse and compare results.

Companies can improve their operational efficiency, detect problems quickly, optimise their processes and maintain the quality of their services and products.

Customer satisfaction

With Qualimobi, companies can collect customer feedback quickly and efficiently. This feedback enables them to better assess satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.

By better understanding customer needs and expectations, companies can personalise their services, improve the customer experience and strengthen loyalty. Proactively managing feedback also enables problems to be resolved quickly, service quality to be optimised and a positive reputation to be maintained, ensuring success and growth in these sectors.

Reasons to implement a quality control application for these sectors

Customer satisfaction

In the hotel, retail and distribution sectors, customer satisfaction is paramount. Rigorous quality control ensures that the products and services offered meet customer expectations. A positive experience generally leads to customer loyalty and referrals, which contributes to the company’s growth and reputation.

Brand image

Quality is closely linked to a company’s brand image. Rigorous quality controls help to maintain a reputation for reliability and excellence, which strengthens customer confidence in the brand. A good brand image can also differentiate a company from the competition and attract new customers.

Reducing risks and costs

Quality controls enable potential problems to be identified and corrected as soon as they appear, before they become major ones. This reduces the risk of incidents, complaints or product recalls. This can lead to high costs for the company in terms of returns, replacements or disputes.

Compliance with standards and regulations

These sectors are often subject to strict quality, safety and hygiene standards and regulations. Quality controls ensure that the company complies with these legal requirements, avoiding potential penalties and legal problems.

Continuous improvement

Quality checks provide valuable information on potential areas for improvement. By analysing the results, companies can identify processes or products that require improvement. They can then take corrective action. This contributes to continuous improvement in the quality of the products and services offered.

Operational optimisation

This can also help to optimise internal operational processes. By eliminating inefficiencies and implementing more effective working practices, companies can save time and resources while maintaining a high level of quality.

Les types de contrôles et suivis qualité que nous pouvons vous aider à gérer

Évaluation des risques2023-07-28T00:38:40+02:00

L’évaluation des risques est un processus qui vise à identifier, évaluer et mesurer les risques potentiels auxquels une organisation, un projet, un système ou une activité peut être exposé.

Elle est essentielle pour prendre des décisions éclairées sur la gestion des risques et l’élaboration de stratégies appropriées pour les atténuer.


Évaluation des besoins2023-07-28T00:43:22+02:00

L’évaluation des besoins est un processus qui vise à identifier, comprendre et évaluer les besoins d’un individu, d’un groupe ou d’une communauté dans le but de fournir des réponses ou des solutions appropriées.

Elle est souvent utilisée dans les domaines du développement communautaire, de l’assistance sociale, de la santé, de l’éducation et d’autres secteurs où il est nécessaire de comprendre les demandes et les défis spécifiques auxquels les personnes sont confrontées.

Compte rendu de visite2023-08-02T12:27:04+02:00

Les comptes rendus de visite sont des documents qui décrivent et récapitulent les détails et les observations d’une visite effectuée dans un lieu spécifique, qu’il s’agisse d’une entreprise, d’une organisation, d’un site, d’une installation ou d’un événement.

Ils servent à consigner les informations importantes, les faits saillants, les constatations et les recommandations résultant de la visite. Les comptes rendus de visite peuvent être utilisés à des fins diverses, telles que la communication interne, le suivi des activités, la prise de décision, les rapports officiels, etc.


Réclamations et anomalies2023-08-02T12:27:02+02:00

Le suivi des réclamations et des anomalies consiste à surveiller et à prendre des mesures appropriées concernant les problèmes signalés, les plaintes des clients ou les situations anormales dans le but de résoudre les problèmes et de prévenir leur récurrence.

C’est un processus essentiel pour assurer la satisfaction des clients, la qualité des produits ou services, et la gestion efficace des problèmes.


Grilles d’inspection2023-08-02T12:27:00+02:00

Une grille d’inspection est un outil utilisé pour évaluer et noter objectivement différents aspects, critères ou éléments lors d’une inspection ou d’une évaluation. Elle se présente sous la forme d’un tableau ou d’une liste qui répertorie les éléments spécifiques à observer ou à évaluer, avec des critères prédéfinis pour chaque élément.

Les grilles d’inspection sont couramment utilisées dans divers domaines, tels que la sécurité, la qualité, l’assurance, la conformité, la maintenance, les inspections immobilières, etc.


La satisfaction client2023-08-02T12:26:58+02:00

Les enquêtes de satisfaction client sont des outils utilisés pour recueillir les opinions, les perceptions et les expériences des clients concernant un produit, un service ou une entreprise spécifique.

Elles visent à évaluer le niveau de satisfaction globale des clients, à identifier les domaines à améliorer et à recueillir des commentaires pour orienter les actions correctives.

suivi qualité digital

Le contrôle qualité adapté à tous vos secteurs d’activité

Quelle que soit votre activité, Qualimobi vous permet de construire un modèle de collecte de données de qualité adapté à votre contexte

Nettoyage, propreté, Multi-services

Pour vos inspecteurs, les contrôles proposés par Qualimobi en matière de propreté et de facility management permettent le suivi des agents ou des prestataires de services ainsi que des services de nettoyage.

suivi qualité entreprise de nettoyage

Service a la personne

Pour les responsables de votre secteur, Qualimobi évalue les besoins, effectue des contrôles sur les salariés et les services, et évalue la satisfaction des clients dans le domaine des services à la personne.

suivi qualité service à la personne

Résidences, Hôtels,
Commerce de détail, GMS

Pour vos responsables et superviseurs, Qualimobi permet d’assurer le suivi des procédures, le respect des règles de l’établissement et des normes santé-sécurité-environnement.

suivi qualité service hôtel gsm retail

Transport, Santé

Pour vos responsables qualité, Qualimobi contrôle les marchandises entrantes et les processus de production, identifie les non-conformités, établit les rapports de visite et les rapports liés aux contrôles.

suivi qualité industrie

Processus, méthodes, organisation, contrôles, solutions numériques…

Mettez le digital au cœur de vos process qualité

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